Package com.realtime.crossfire.jxclient.gui.commands

Interface Summary
CommandCallback Interface that defines callback functions needed by commands.
GUICommand An executable command.

Class Summary
AccountCreateCharacterCommand A GUICommand sending a character creation request.
AccountCreateCommand A GUICommand sending an account creation request.
AccountLinkCharacterCommand A GUICommand sending a request to link a character to an account.
AccountLoginCommand A GUICommand sending an account login request to the server.
AccountPlayCharacterCommand A GUICommand sending a play character request to the server.
ActivateCommandInputCommand A GUICommand which activates the command input field.
CommandCheckBoxOption A CheckBoxOption that executes CommandLists when checked/unchecked.
CommandList A list of GUICommand instances.
ConnectCommand A GUICommand which connects to a Crossfire server.
DialogCloseCommand A GUICommand which closes a Gui.
DialogOpenCommand A GUICommand which opens a Gui dialog.
DialogToggleCommand A GUICommand which toggles the visibility of a dialog.
DisconnectCommand A GUICommand which disconnects from the Crossfire server.
ExecSelectionCommand A GUICommand that executes a command on the selected item of a GUIItemList.
ExecuteCommandCommand A GUICommand which executes a Crossfire command.
ExecuteElementCommand A GUICommand which executes (i.e., simulates a left-button mouse click on) an GUIItem.
GUICommandFactory Factory for creating GUICommand instances from string representation.
HideCommand A GUICommand which hides a target GUIElement.
MetaCommand A GUICommand which shows the server selection screen.
MoveSelectionCommand A GUICommand which moves the selected element in a GUIList element.
PrintCommand A GUICommand which does nothing.
QuitCommand A GUICommand which quite the client.
ScrollCommand A GUICommand which scrolls a GUIScrollable gui element by a given distance.
ScrollListCommand A GUICommand which scrolls a GUIScrollable instance.
ScrollNeverCommand A GUICommand which scrolls a target GUIScrollable gui element if executed but always reports that scrolling is not possible.
ScrollNextCommand A GUICommand which transfers the focus between two gui elements.
ScrollResetCommand A GUICommand which resets the scroll position of a GUIScrollable.
ShowCommand A GUICommand which shows a target GUIElement.
StartCommand A GUICommand which shows the start screen.
ToggleCommand A GUICommand which toggles the visibility of a target GUIElement.

Enum Summary
CommandListType The command list type.
CommandType The executable commands.

Exception Summary
NoSuchCommandException An Exception thrown if a command does not exist.