Package com.realtime.crossfire.jxclient.gui.gauge

Interface Summary
GUIGaugeListener Interface which is implemented by all listener classes.
Orientation Interface for orientation images.

Class Summary
AbstractOrientation Abstract base class for implementing Orientation instances.
ActiveSkillGaugeUpdater A GaugeUpdater which monitors a stat value.
GaugeState The state of a gauge.
GaugeUpdater Updates the displayed values in a GUIGauge.
GUIDupGauge Displays a value as a graphical gauge that's filling state depends on the value.
GUIDupTextGauge A GUIDupGauge which displays the current value as a text string on top of the gauge.
GUIGauge Displays a value as a graphical gauge that's filling state depends on the value.
GUITextGauge A GUIGauge which displays the current value as a text string on top of the gauge.
OrientationEW Implements an Orientation which grows east to west.
OrientationNS Implements an Orientation which grows north to south.
OrientationParser Utility class to parse orientation names.
OrientationSN Implements an Orientation which grows south to north.
OrientationWE Implements an Orientation which grows west to east.
SkillGaugeUpdater A GaugeUpdater which monitors a skill.
StatGaugeUpdater A GaugeUpdater which monitors a stat value.