Package com.realtime.crossfire.jxclient.gui.gui

Interface Summary
GuiAutoCloseListener Interface for clients interested in auto-close events of Gui instances.
GUIElementChangedListener Interface for listeners interested in the changed flag of GUIElement instances.
GUIElementListener Listener for GUIElement related events.
RendererGuiStateListener Interface for listeners interested in gui state changes.

Class Summary
ActivatableGUIElement A GUIElement that can be set to active or inactive.
Gui Combines a list of GUIElements to for a gui.
GUIElement Abstract base class for GUI elements to be shown in Guis.
GuiFactory Factory for creating Gui instances.
GUIScrollBar A scroll bar gui element.
JXCWindowRenderer Renders a Gui instance into a Frame.
MouseTracker Tracks mouse actions and delivers mouse events to affected GUIElement.
TooltipManager Manages the tooltip display.
TooltipText Information for displaying tooltips.

Enum Summary
RendererGuiState All gui states of JXCWindowRenderer.