Crossfire Server, Branch 1.12  R12190
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 static PyObject *Crossfire_Party_GetName(Crossfire_Party *whoptr, void *closure);
00002 static PyObject *Crossfire_Party_GetPassword(Crossfire_Party *whoptr, void *closure);
00003 static PyObject *Crossfire_Party_GetNext(Crossfire_Party *who, void *closure);
00004 static PyObject *Crossfire_Party_GetPlayers(Crossfire_Party *who, PyObject *args);
00006 static int Crossfire_Party_InternalCompare(Crossfire_Party *left, Crossfire_Party *right);
00008 static PyGetSetDef Party_getseters[] = {
00009     { "Name",       (getter)Crossfire_Party_GetName,     NULL, NULL, NULL },
00010     { "Password",   (getter)Crossfire_Party_GetPassword, NULL, NULL, NULL },
00011     { "Next",       (getter)Crossfire_Party_GetNext,     NULL, NULL, NULL },
00012     { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }
00013 };
00015 static PyMethodDef PartyMethods[] = {
00016     { "GetPlayers", (PyCFunction)Crossfire_Party_GetPlayers, METH_NOARGS, NULL },
00017     { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
00018 };
00020 /* Our actual Python ArchetypeType */
00021 PyTypeObject Crossfire_PartyType = {
00022     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
00023 #ifndef IS_PY3K
00024     0,                         /* ob_size*/
00025 #endif
00026     "Crossfire.Party",         /* tp_name*/
00027     sizeof(Crossfire_Party),   /* tp_basicsize*/
00028     0,                         /* tp_itemsize*/
00029     NULL,                      /* tp_dealloc*/
00030     NULL,                      /* tp_print*/
00031     NULL,                      /* tp_getattr*/
00032     NULL,                      /* tp_setattr*/
00033     (cmpfunc)Crossfire_Party_InternalCompare, /* tp_compare*/
00034     NULL,                      /* tp_repr*/
00035     NULL,                      /* tp_as_number*/
00036     NULL,                      /* tp_as_sequence*/
00037     NULL,                      /* tp_as_mapping*/
00038     PyObject_HashNotImplemented, /* tp_hash */
00039     NULL,                      /* tp_call*/
00040     NULL,                      /* tp_str*/
00041     PyObject_GenericGetAttr,   /* tp_getattro*/
00042     PyObject_GenericSetAttr,   /* tp_setattro*/
00043     NULL,                      /* tp_as_buffer*/
00044     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags*/
00045     "Crossfire parties",       /* tp_doc */
00046     NULL,                      /* tp_traverse */
00047     NULL,                      /* tp_clear */
00048     NULL,                      /* tp_richcompare */
00049     0,                         /* tp_weaklistoffset */
00050     NULL,                      /* tp_iter */
00051     NULL,                      /* tp_iternext */
00052     PartyMethods,              /* tp_methods */
00053     NULL,                      /* tp_members */
00054     Party_getseters,           /* tp_getset */
00055     NULL,                      /* tp_base */
00056     NULL,                      /* tp_dict */
00057     NULL,                      /* tp_descr_get */
00058     NULL,                      /* tp_descr_set */
00059     0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
00060     NULL,                      /* tp_init */
00061     NULL,                      /* tp_alloc */
00062     NULL,                      /* tp_new */
00063     NULL,                      /* tp_free */
00064     NULL,                      /* tp_is_gc */
00065     NULL,                      /* tp_bases */
00066     NULL,                      /* tp_mro */
00067     NULL,                      /* tp_cache */
00068     NULL,                      /* tp_subclasses */
00069     NULL,                      /* tp_weaklist */
00070     NULL,                      /* tp_del */
00071 };