Crossfire Server, Branch 1.12  R12190
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* cfpython.c */
00002 CF_PLUGIN int initPlugin(const char *iversion, f_plug_api gethooksptr);
00003 CF_PLUGIN void *getPluginProperty(int *type, ...);
00004 CF_PLUGIN int cfpython_runPluginCommand(object *op, char *params);
00005 CF_PLUGIN int postInitPlugin(void);
00006 CF_PLUGIN void *cfpython_globalEventListener(int *type, ...);
00007 CF_PLUGIN void *eventListener(int *type, ...);
00008 CF_PLUGIN int closePlugin(void);
00009 /* cfpython_archetype.c */
00010 PyObject *Crossfire_Archetype_wrap(archetype *what);
00011 /* cfpython_object.c */
00012 void init_object_assoc_table(void);
00013 PyObject *Crossfire_Object_wrap(object *what);
00014 /* cfpython_party.c */
00015 PyObject *Crossfire_Party_wrap(partylist *what);
00016 /* cfpython_region.c */
00017 PyObject *Crossfire_Region_wrap(region *what);
00018 /* cfpython_map.c */
00019 void init_map_assoc_table(void);
00020 void Handle_Map_Unload_Hook(Crossfire_Map *map);
00021 PyObject *Crossfire_Map_wrap(mapstruct *what);