Crossfire Server, Branch 1.12  R12190
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* image.c */
00002 int is_valid_faceset(int fsn);
00003 void set_face_mode_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00004 void send_face_cmd(char *buff, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00005 void esrv_send_face(socket_struct *ns, short face_num, int nocache);
00006 void send_image_info(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00007 void send_image_sums(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00008 /* info.c */
00009 void flush_output_element(const object *pl, Output_Buf *outputs);
00010 void draw_ext_info(int flags, int pri, const object *pl, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *message, const char *oldmessage);
00011 void draw_ext_info_format(int flags, int pri, const object *pl, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *new_format, const char *old_format, ...);
00012 void ext_info_map(int color, const mapstruct *map, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *str1, const char *str2);
00013 void ext_info_map_except(int color, const mapstruct *map, const object *op, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *str1, const char *str2);
00014 void ext_info_map_except2(int color, const mapstruct *map, const object *op1, const object *op2, int type, int subtype, const char *str1, const char *str2);
00015 void rangetostring(const object *pl, char *obuf, size_t len);
00016 void set_title(const object *pl, char *buf, size_t len);
00017 void magic_mapping_mark(object *pl, char *map_mark, int strength);
00018 void draw_magic_map(object *pl);
00019 /* init.c */
00020 void init_connection(socket_struct *ns, const char *from_ip);
00021 void init_server(void);
00022 void free_all_newserver(void);
00023 void free_newsocket(socket_struct *ns);
00024 void final_free_player(player *pl);
00025 /* item.c */
00026 void esrv_draw_look(object *pl);
00027 void esrv_send_inventory(object *pl, object *op);
00028 void esrv_update_item(int flags, object *pl, object *op);
00029 void esrv_send_item(object *pl, object *op);
00030 void esrv_del_item(player *pl, int tag);
00031 void examine_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00032 void apply_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00033 void lock_item_cmd(uint8 *data, int len, player *pl);
00034 void mark_item_cmd(uint8 *data, int len, player *pl);
00035 void look_at(object *op, int dx, int dy);
00036 void look_at_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00037 void esrv_move_object(object *pl, tag_t to, tag_t tag, long nrof);
00038 void inscribe_scroll_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00039 /* loop.c */
00040 void request_info_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00041 void handle_client(socket_struct *ns, player *pl);
00042 void watchdog(void);
00043 void do_server(void);
00044 /* lowlevel.c */
00045 void SockList_Init(SockList *sl);
00046 void SockList_Term(SockList *sl);
00047 void SockList_Reset(SockList *sl);
00048 void SockList_ResetRead(SockList *sl);
00049 void SockList_AddChar(SockList *sl, char c);
00050 void SockList_AddShort(SockList *sl, uint16 data);
00051 void SockList_AddInt(SockList *sl, uint32 data);
00052 void SockList_AddInt64(SockList *sl, uint64 data);
00053 size_t SockList_Avail(const SockList *sl);
00054 void SockList_AddString(SockList *sl, const char *data);
00055 void SockList_AddData(SockList *sl, const void *data, size_t len);
00056 void SockList_AddLen8Data(SockList *sl, const void *data, size_t len);
00057 void SockList_AddPrintf(SockList *sl, const char *format, ...);
00058 void SockList_AddStringBuffer(SockList *sl, StringBuffer *sb);
00059 void SockList_NullTerminate(SockList *sl);
00060 int GetInt_String(const unsigned char *data);
00061 short GetShort_String(const unsigned char *data);
00062 int SockList_ReadPacket(int fd, SockList *sl, int len);
00063 void write_socket_buffer(socket_struct *ns);
00064 void Send_With_Handling(socket_struct *ns, SockList *sl);
00065 void write_cs_stats(void);
00066 /* metaserver.c */
00067 void metaserver_init(void);
00068 void metaserver_update(void);
00069 int metaserver2_init(void);
00070 void *metaserver2_thread(void *junk);
00071 /* request.c */
00072 void set_up_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00073 void add_me_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00074 void toggle_extended_infos_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00075 void toggle_extended_text_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00076 void ask_smooth_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00077 void new_player_cmd(uint8 *buf, int len, player *pl);
00078 void reply_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00079 void version_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00080 void set_sound_cmd(char *buf, int len, socket_struct *ns);
00081 void map_redraw_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00082 void map_newmap_cmd(socket_struct *ns);
00083 void move_cmd(char *buf, int len, player *pl);
00084 void send_query(socket_struct *ns, uint8 flags, const char *text);
00085 void esrv_update_stats(player *pl);
00086 void esrv_new_player(player *pl, uint32 weight);
00087 void esrv_send_animation(socket_struct *ns, short anim_num);
00088 void draw_client_map2(object *pl);
00089 void draw_client_map(object *pl);
00090 void esrv_map_scroll(socket_struct *ns, int dx, int dy);
00091 void send_plugin_custom_message(object *pl, char *buf);
00092 void send_exp_table(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00093 void send_skill_info(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00094 void send_spell_paths(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00095 void send_race_list(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00096 void send_race_info(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00097 void send_class_list(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00098 void send_class_info(socket_struct *ns, char *params);
00099 void esrv_update_spells(player *pl);
00100 void esrv_remove_spell(player *pl, object *spell);
00101 void esrv_send_pickup(player *pl);
00102 void esrv_add_spells(player *pl, object *spell);
00103 void send_tick(player *pl);
00104 /* sounds.c */
00105 void play_sound_player_only(player *pl, sint8 sound_type, object *emitter, int dir, const char *action);
00106 void play_sound_map(sint8 sound_type, object *emitter, int dir, const char *action);
00107 void send_background_music(player *pl, const char *music);