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Login: jec
Fullname: jec
Revisions: 92
Lines of Code: 248
Added Lines of Code: 268
Lines of Code per Change: 2.7

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Lines Of Code for jec (per module)


Commit Log

5/26/00 4:46 AMjec
--- BEGIN apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000

Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 88 (CONE) that can do damage.

ground/chaos.arc, arch chaos and arch major_chaos
ground/lava.arc, arch lava and arch permanent_lava
Added walk_on 1.

ground/chaos_ball.arc, arch chaos_ball
magic/banishment.arc, arch banishment
magic/colorspray.arc, arch color_spray
magic/counterspell.arc, arch counterspell
magic/face_of_death.arc, arch face_of_death
magic/shockwave.arc, arch shockwave
dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/flyingnote.arc, arch flyingnote
magic/Cold/icestorm.arc, arch icestorm
magic/Fire/firebreath.arc, arch firebreath
magic/Effect/confuse.arc, arch confuse
magic/Effect/fear.arc, arch fear
magic/Effect/holy_word.arc, arch holy_word
magic/Effect/paralyze.arc, arch paralyze
magic/Effect/slow.arc, arch slow
magic/Effect/turnundead.arc, arch turn_undead
magic/Mana/manablast.arc, arch manablast
Added walk_on 1 and fly_on 1.

Changes to support bug fixes for trigger types: Replace speed with exp.
Set is_animated 0. Remove last face from animation sequence.

Bugfix: Faces where swapped.

connect/trig_button.arc, arch button_trigger
New archetype.

--- END apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000
(11 Files changed, 80 Lines changed)
ground/chaos.arc 1.2 (+4 -0)
dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/flyingnote.arc 1.2 (+3 -0)
connect/trig_pedes.arc 1.2 (+2 -2)
ground/thorns.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
connect/trig_button.arc 1.1 added 16
connect/trig_altar.arc 1.2 (+3 -3)
ground/chaos_ball.arc 1.2 (+3 -0)
connect/trig_lever.arc 1.2 (+2 -2)
ground/lava.arc 1.2 (+4 -0)
inorganic/dust_effect.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
CHANGES 1.9 (+41 -0)
5/24/00 5:03 AMjec
Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 5 (POTION), because these
archetypes are spellcasters and therefore need a level.
(20 Files changed, 24 Lines changed)
potion/potionhea.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionint.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionhero.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionfir.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/balm_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/figurine_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionstr.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionpow.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncha.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncon.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potiondex.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncol.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionwis.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionmag.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/dust_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
CHANGES 1.8 (+5 -1)
potion/potiongen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
potion/potionimp.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
5/22/00 7:09 AMjec
Name of the skill is 'skill_set_trap', not 'skill_set_traps'.
(2 Files changed, 6 Lines changed)
skills/scroll_set_traps.arc 1.2 (+1 -1)
CHANGES 1.7 (+5 -1)
5/16/00 4:03 AMjec
See CHANGES file. (10 Files changed, 68 Lines changed)
misc/cannon.arc 1.2 (+9 -0)
wall/lbulletwall/lbull_wall.arc 1.2 (+9 -0)
dev/unused/0.91.1/grave.arc 1.2 (+0 -1)
CHANGES 1.6 (+20 -0)
ground/volcano.arc 1.2 (+2 -0)
ground/sea.arc 1.2 (+0 -3)
wall/speedbwall/speedbwall.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/firewall/firewall.arc 1.3 (+8 -0)
wall/lightningwall/light_wall.arc 1.2 (+10 -0)
wall/bulletwall/bulletwall.arc 1.2 (+9 -0)
4/19/00 6:43 AMjec
See CHANGES file. (5 Files changed, 9 Lines changed)
spell/gu_horn.arc 1.3 (+1 -0)
spell/horn2.arc 1.3 (+1 -0)
spell/horn.arc 1.3 (+1 -0)
CHANGES 1.5 (+5 -0)
spell/horn3.arc 1.3 (+1 -0)
4/17/00 9:37 AMjec
See CHANGES file. (44 Files changed, 81 Lines changed)
monster/undead/skelet_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/insect/xan_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/undead/vampiregen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/demon/devil_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/animal/farmyard/chicken.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/undead/skull_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/bwall/earthwall.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
door/odoor_1.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/misc/serpmen/serpman_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
weapon/artifact/magi_staff.arc 1.3 (+1 -1)
monster/insect/spider_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/bwall/hedge.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/acid/acid_pool.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/goblin/gnoll_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
armour/helmet/wiz_hat.arc 1.3 (+2 -3)
monster/insect/ant_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/misc/firechest.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/beholder/behold_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/bwall/bwall_weak.arc 1.2 (+2 -0)
monster/insect/beehive.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
door/wooddoor_1.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/goblin/orc_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
Naming.doc 1.2 (+1 -1)
armour/mail/robe_midnight.arc 1.3 (+1 -1)
monster/animal/scorpi_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/goblin/ogre_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/undead/ghost_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/animal/mouse_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
CHANGES 1.4 (+18 -0)
monster/animal/panthergen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/goblin/goblin_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
door/Door/door.arc 1.2 (+16 -0)
monster/goblin/kobold_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/insect/bee_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/cwall/cwall_weak.arc 1.2 (+2 -0)
monster/animal/bat_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/misc/pixie_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/wwall/wwall_weak.arc 1.2 (+2 -0)
wall/firewall/firewall.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/animal/bird_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
monster/undead/zombie_gen.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
door/odoor_2.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)
wall/awall/awall_weak.arc 1.2 (+2 -0)
door/wooddoor_2.arc 1.2 (+1 -0)