Directory Statistics for wolfsburg/magara/

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Lines Of Code for wolfsburg/magara/

Commits for wolfsburg/magara/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
pcurrlin2 (66.7%) 1440 (17.3%) 1454 (17.5%) 720.00
uid2001 (33.3%) 6875 (82.7%) 6875 (82.5%) 6,875.00

Commit Log

4/15/01 2:48 PMpcurrlin
Changed the guards in Scorn to peaceful and added a missing tile in the cellar
(1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
wolfsburg/magara/cellar_1 1.3 (+3 -0)
3/30/01 4:46 PMpcurrlin
And some more floortiles for the magara-maps in wolfsburg
(1 Files changed, 1451 Lines changed)
wolfsburg/magara/cellar_1 1.2 (+1451 -14)
3/28/99 10:16 PMuid200
Initial revision (1 Files changed, 6875 Lines changed)
wolfsburg/magara/cellar_1 1.1 added 6875