Directory Statistics for scorn/misc/

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Lines Of Code for scorn/misc/

Commits for scorn/misc/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
mwedel29 (25.4%) 140203 (91.7%) 140406 (89.9%) 4,834.59
ryo_saeba27 (23.7%) 27 (0.0%) 27 (0.0%) 1.00
akirschbaum14 (12.3%) -5 (-0.0%) 452 (0.3%) -0.36
temitchell12 (10.5%) 332 (0.2%) 2711 (1.7%) 27.67
k_ahlers8 (7.0%) 0 (0.0%) 13 (0.0%) 0.00
eracc7 (6.1%) 10 (0.0%) 29 (0.0%) 1.43
cavesomething6 (5.3%) -91 (-0.1%) 11 (0.0%) -15.17
mikeeusa5 (4.4%) 9813 (6.4%) 9813 (6.3%) 1,962.60
salathar4 (3.5%) 2682 (1.8%) 2770 (1.8%) 670.50
jbontje1 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.0%) 0.00
gros1 (0.9%) 2 (0.0%) 5 (0.0%) 2.00

Commit Log

8/1/06 5:13 AMk_ahlers
Added patch #1531289 from the (8 Files changed, 13 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/beginners 1.6 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/gatehouse 1.5 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/beginners2 1.3 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/zoo 1.4 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/HouseofHealing 1.6 (+2 -2)
scorn/misc/library 1.5 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/cityhall 1.8 (+3 -3)
scorn/misc/prison 1.5 (+3 -3)
12/21/05 12:25 AMeracc
Changed the altar in the Undead Church (Scorn) to one that can be
consecrated. Saw no reason to have a payment altar in there.
(1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/church 1.6 (+2 -3)
10/18/05 1:13 PMgros
Update of the maps for CFPython version 2.0.
Update of the IPO-related scripts.
Gros - 18/10/2005
(1 Files changed, 5 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/cityhall 1.7 (+5 -3)
10/14/05 4:20 PMmikeeusa
CVS: maps-bigworld: added an abandoned temple which hosts kolbolds to scorn (5 Files changed, 9813 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/kboldtemp1b3 1.1 added 2167
scorn/misc/kboldtemp1b1 1.1 added 1887
scorn/misc/kboldtemp1b4 1.1 added 2230
scorn/misc/kboldtemp1b2 1.1 added 1995
scorn/misc/kboldtemp1 1.1 added 1534
10/3/05 8:48 PMcavesomething
remove value hacks from some shops (2 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/HouseofHealing 1.5 (+0 -54)
scorn/misc/PowerHouse 1.6 (+0 -48)
10/2/05 10:05 PMcavesomething
add shop headers to scorn (4 Files changed, 11 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/HouseofHealing 1.4 (+3 -0)
scorn/misc/library 1.4 (+2 -0)
scorn/misc/dragon_guild 1.3 (+3 -0)
scorn/misc/PowerHouse 1.5 (+3 -0)
9/15/05 1:19 PMakirschbaum
Hide invibisle exits, magic mouths, and buttons below floor to prevent detection by show invisible. (13 Files changed, 451 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/HallOfQuests 1.5 (+147 -147)
scorn/misc/HouseofHealing 1.3 (+5 -5)
scorn/misc/church 1.5 (+8 -8)
scorn/misc/castle 1.3 (+15 -15)
scorn/misc/HospitalityRoom 1.3 (+146 -146)
scorn/misc/prison 1.4 (+6 -6)
scorn/misc/beginners 1.5 (+16 -16)
scorn/misc/library 1.3 (+35 -35)
scorn/misc/jail_upper 1.5 (+24 -24)
scorn/misc/drywell 1.3 (+4 -4)
scorn/misc/PowerHouse 1.4 (+6 -6)
scorn/misc/jail 1.4 (+24 -24)
scorn/misc/zoo2 1.4 (+15 -20)
5/27/05 1:26 PMeracc
Yet another try to commit this map. CVS is irritating me ... (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/templelyth 1.5 (+1 -1)
5/27/05 1:24 PMeracc
Recommit because of errors in the last commit attempt. Crossing fingers ... (2 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/templedevour 1.4 (+1 -1)
scorn/misc/templelyth 1.4 (+1 -1)
5/27/05 1:21 PMeracc
Missed updating these altars in the previous fit of editing. Perhaps the ones in scorn/misc should be moved to scorn/temples ... but another day. (3 Files changed, 24 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/devourlower 1.3 (+7 -2)
scorn/misc/templelyth 1.3 (+10 -7)
scorn/misc/templedevour 1.3 (+7 -4)
4/9/05 7:00 AMakirschbaum
Fix spelling errors. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/mercenaries 1.3 (+1 -1)
3/15/05 3:44 PMryo_saeba
Applied patch #1145089 (cavesomething) to add region support (27 Files changed, 27 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/castle2 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/jail_upper 1.4 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/library 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/gatehouse 1.4 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/ 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/devourlower 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/church 1.4 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/testing_area 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/HospitalityRoom 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/templelyth 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/zoo2 1.3 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/map.esben.2 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/castle 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/dragon_guild 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/HouseofHealing 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/jail 1.3 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/prison 1.3 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/beginners2 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/beginners 1.4 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/mercenaries 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/HallOfQuests 1.4 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/zoo 1.3 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/drywell 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/port_arena 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/cityhall 1.6 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/templedevour 1.2 (+1 -0)
scorn/misc/PowerHouse 1.3 (+1 -0)
11/12/04 10:21 AMsalathar
-Add magic mouths to southern waiting cells (1 Files changed, 27 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/jail_upper 1.3 (+27 -0)
11/11/04 4:56 PMsalathar
Update map to have more waiting cells. Minor cleanups. (1 Files changed, 808 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/jail_upper 1.2 (+808 -88)
11/9/04 5:21 PMsalathar
-Add second floor to Scorn jail (2 Files changed, 1935 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/jail 1.2 (+7 -0)
scorn/misc/jail_upper 1.1 added 1928
6/13/04 7:14 PMtemitchell
- fix issue with Hero of Scorn expiration. If this was the intentional
behaviour for the marker to expire, will the maker please inform me to
change it back.
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/HallOfQuests 1.3 (+1 -0)
6/13/04 7:12 PMtemitchell
- fix for player casting spells through the gatehouse and killing people (1 Files changed, 477 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/gatehouse 1.3 (+477 -460)
5/24/04 1:52 PMtemitchell
- fix DM boards to - apparently the java editor does not copy script
paramaters when copying objects
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/cityhall 1.5 (+1 -0)
5/24/04 1:14 PMtemitchell
- adding DM petition boards to Scorn cityhall and Navar courthouse
these are linked to the message board in the HallOfDMs for easy access
(1 Files changed, 11 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/cityhall 1.4 (+11 -0)
4/10/04 7:33 PMtemitchell
- fix maps with old image notation (storing more than head). (3 Files changed, 306 Lines changed)
scorn/misc/zoo2 1.2 (+48 -1133)
scorn/misc/zoo 1.2 (+258 -452)
scorn/misc/prison 1.2 (+0 -92)