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Re: Local variations to crossfire.

>From: Kjetil Torgrim Homme <>
> ...
>This will break horrendously on SysV machines with 14-character
>filenames... Yes, I know that there problems with non-unique long file
>names already, 31 files, actually, and nearly all are in the

Ups, I forgotten this.

>   NAME    is a name of archetype like "orc"
>   AA      is a animation phase, like 00, 01, 02, 03
>   D       is a direction, coded as:
>             y  k  u
>              \ | /
>             h -.- l     (looks familiar, I hope :-)
>              / | \
>             b  j  n
>   XY      is a part of archetype, like in troll 00, 01, 10, 11
>Also, we can have names on the form:
>NAME       => NAME-00.00 (orc, one bitmap, no animation)
>NAME-AA    => NAME-AA.00 (orc-01, means 2nd animation frame)
>NAME-AAD   => NAME-AAD00 (orc-01l, as above facing right)
>NAME-AADXY => NAME-AADXY (orc-01l01, as above, leftmost bottommost bitmap)
>NAME-DXY   => NAME-00DXY (orc-l01, facing right, leftmost bottommost bitmap)
>NAME-D     => NAME-00D00 (orc-l, facing right, no animation, one bitmap)
>It would be nice, but not required, that the utility program
>considered e.g. NAME-0D equivalent to NAME-D and NAME-00D00.

The purposes for naming are is bitmap-file identification and
information passing (sorry, I forgot this clause in readme).
It's a same in what form the extension is as long as the purposes
are filled.

Consider to filename-lenght I suggest following:


	A animation phase 
	D direction
	P part of archetype

every component is a character having value at range 1..9 and A..Z .
So every component have 34 different values. I think this is enought
( demon lord has 32 parts, as i remember ). Restrcting to capitals 
and numbers helps idetification to other files. So there remains 10
character to name. ( btw. 0 is reserved for future use )

I think direction coding would be better if it is same as in

>Run normalize on both the specification in the *.arch and the file
>lists (hey, that's what associative arrays are for :-)

and archetype would be NAME.arc .

>Even if this proposal is shouted down (it does make writing utilities
>parsing the filenames a little more difficult), please at least
>consider using the XY for PP.

Being in P is sorter. Is dimensions needed ?

//   Petri Heinila   //   email:                  //
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