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Re: bug (no kidding :) )

> 	Hi!
> 	I got some crossfire source ( ver 0.91.3 ) from your ftp-site
> 	( ) and tried to compile it. It failed :(
> 	The complains was about a struct-member (in_memoy) that wasn't
> 	member of the struct 'mapstruct' in the file common/map.c 
> 	function 'get_map_ob'. I changed it to 'in_memory' (which _is_ a
> 	member) and then the compilation worked just fine. 

That's bizzare. I just grepped my 0.91.3 source and there is no occurence of
'in_memoy' at all. Maybe your copy of the source is bad ? I'm able to run 
0.91.3 under SunOS 4.1.3 and X11R5 with colour.

Rupert G. Goldie, Research Scientist                
Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute        
/\/\|| Level 6, 171 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Australia