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crossfire servers list

Hi all,

as some of you may know, I've been maintaining a list of active Crossfire
servers as part of my Crossfire WWW pages. Well, I've included a copy
of the list below. I tried to update my list this morning, and found to
my display that a large number of the servers were unattainable. Those
that were giving me difficulty have been marked accordingly. If you kno
that one of the servers mentioned below has gone permanently out of action,
please drop me a line via e-mail to:


and let me know. The more accurate the list of servers, the more use it
will be! Anyway, here's the list. Enjoy!

Crossfire Servers

Last updated ... 08 Aug 

Here is an up-to-date list (last checked 08 Aug) of crossfire servers that
you can connect to and join in the play! Use the following type of command: 

crossclient -server <server-name> ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.2 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: unlimited in theory 
   other info: running on a NeXT with 20MB of RAM ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.0 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: no restriction, known to perform well with more than 8 
   other info: have been unable to connect for some time ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.1 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: no restriction, but more than 4 is slow 
   other info: 
      X11R5 fontserver available on port 13325 
      have been unable to connect recently ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.90.3 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: ?? 
   other info: 
      waiting to upgrade to 0.90.6 when released (??) 
      currently off-line? ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.1 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: ?? 
   other info: running on a NeXT ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.1 
   access time: ?? 
   max players: ?? 
   other info: ?? ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.2 
   access time: ?? 
   max players: ?? 
   other info: currently off-line? ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.0 
   access time: ?? 
   max players: ?? 
   other info: protected by X firewall 
   In order to bypass the firewall you need to perform the following steps: 
      setenv DISPLAY <your IP number>:0 
         this is necessary as DISPLAY is not always set properly 
         get your IP number by simply telneting to yourself 
      xroute -d 1 <your host>:0 
      telnet 13326 
      add <your host>:1 
         you may need to use the IP number here 
      a crossfire window should now pop-up. Quit telnet and PLAY! ( 
   port: 13326 (default) 
   running version: 0.91.2 
   access time: 24 hours a day 
   max players: no theoretical limit 
   other info: 
      running on a SparcStation 
      uses colour players 
      supports rplay option 

Simon N. McIntosh-Smith

Simon N. McIntosh-Smith, PhD candidate    |  Email : 
Room M/1.36 Department of Computing Maths |  Phone : +44 (0)222 874000
University of Wales, College of Cardiff   |  Fax   : +44 (0)222 666182
PO Box 916, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 4YN, U.K. |  Home  : +44 (0)222 560522
       Http :