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Re: UDP communications (was: Re: Crossfire client)

In message:  <>
             "William W. Dyess" <> writes:
>> Why not have the servers download the spell behaviors to the client
>> upon connection?  Seems simple to me, and sends the info once instead
>> of _each_time_ a spell is used.
>Much of the info (bitmaps used and such) can be sent, but the actual 
>animation of a moving projectile should be sent by the server.  This way, 
>if the server slows down, everything on the client slows down as well.  
>--Bill Dyess

That's what the time re-syncs I mentioned are for.  However, I was
suggesting they be sent via UDP so they can be dropped on the floor
w/o worry.  Basically, my point is to put as little info through the
TCP link as possible, while keeping info which (while useful) quickly
gets out-dated on UDP.

- Alex