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Re: various ideas...

Excerpts from games.Crossfire: 18-Feb-94 Re: various ideas... 'Evil' E.
Mehlhaff@ocf.b (2688)

> I'd also like to see the starting position different from recall position,
> or even let people choose from a list of starting positions.

> Then you could start new players, say, in the 'beginners' map, to cut back
> on new player confusion.   I tried this a bit on our server on scotch (now
> defunct :-(  ).  

I have patches to do this based on character class: different classes of
character start in different places (defined by the slaying field in the
character's archetype).  Very trivial patch which worked rather well,
methinks.  I had the mages and wizards starting in the Wizards Guild,
the priests and clerics starting off in a church, etc.  I'll dig out my
patch, work it out w.r.t 0.90.* and send it in...

Nick Williams                          E-mail:  (MIME and ATK)
Systems Architecture Research Centre,  Tel: +44 71 477 8551
London, EC1V 0HB                       Fax: +44 71 477 8587