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Crossfire maps.

Hi all,
   I've just compiled crossfire.90.1, and that seems to have worked, but I
have been unable to run it because of the following run-time error:

Fatal: Failed repeatedly to load maps

   I've unable to find out if the problem is the path to the maps dir (it
appears to be ok in the crosssite.def file), or the fact that due to the
size of the maps (20MB!!!) when uncompressed I've had to compress them all.

   Any hints on what I might be doing wrong will be much appreciated.  Also
the name/path of the first map xfire reads would be a help.

        / / / /     __   And how can this be?
   )--/+-+-+-+---  '  \   - Because HE IS THE KWISATZ HADERACH!!!
     (8| Scorpius>\___/                                             //
   )--\+-+-+-+---                                               \\ //
        \ \ \ \   Dougal Beilby ()        \X/ A4000/030