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Re: site for project building

 I've gathered the source off of the ftp site.

 As for using the Dec alpha for a base site:  It looks like it is pretty
easy to get the guest accounts (provided you live in the USA).  But I don't
know how good those guest accounts will be, for the reason that there is
a pretty long use policy and restrictions.  Under those guidelines, crossfire
could pretty much be terminated.

 I am not really sure how good a semi public site would be in any case.
People with limited access to the network, or who would prefer to work
on local machines, might not find a public site of much use.  Also, if it
did get a lot of use, you could then have the problem with several people
wanting to check out the same file out once to make changes.  It also
makes it more difficult for me to find out what changes have been made.

 Individual project groups (client developement, for example) might want
to get something like that for their own use, so everyone in the group
can work on that single cause together in a better fashion.  But we'll have
to wait for the developement of those groups to have a better idea.

   Mark Wedel