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Crossfire's Rebirth.

 With all the messages here, that is what is happening.

 Ftp access:  I see no reason the present ftp sites could not be and in the USA).  This seemed to
work in the past.

 Project teams:  Once the team is assembled, I don't see any reason they
can't keep in touch of each other via e-mail.  I think that do to how
spread out people are, if each person works on something semi individual
instead of working as a group on one thing, it would be easier.  That is
to say, don't have 5 people work on adding identified items, maybe only
one person does it, another works on cursed items, etc.  Very large additions
may need to be done as groups, but I am sure the tasks could be split up

 A common source working area would be good for the group teams.  I think
it would be best that after they finish work on whatever projects, diff
files are made compared to the master source, instead of having the
master source be what they are working on.  If this was the case, then
diff files would need to be applied to that code, or a lot of people would
need access to it..

   Mark Wedel