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Re: compiling crossfire using acc

On Mon, 11 Jul 1994  wrote:

> Hi, 
> I've been trying to compile crossfire-0.91.2 on my Sun (4.1.1) under OpenWindows and I've had a few problems
> It will not compile using gcc or gcc2, so I'm now trying acc.  
> This seems to compile OK up until crossedit/Cnv/test.c where it crashes.  The 
> error message is that it cannot find the header files:  
> Panner.h, Repeater.h, Porthole.h, Tree.h in the X11/Xaw/ directory, 
> and the include path is pointing the /usr/include.  These headers are 
> included through the header file crossedit/Cnv/include/Xaw.h.  I have 
> checked my include files (in /usr/include and /usr/openwin/include/ ) 
> and cannot find a copy of these header files.  

Checkout the version on your openwin and X11 in it, the crossedit
es made against X11R5. The files may be missing in earlier versions of

The test.c is only for test purposes (suprise :), not really needed.
I write below a new Imakefile (not tested) for that dir, try apply

> Are these files in a wierd place, or can I remove the #includes in 
> crossedit/Cnv/include/Xaw.h, or can someone send me a copy of the files.  

The Xaw.h is for convience to get the all Athena Widget Set
header files, the romoving in #includes is not recommended.

> Also, do I really need to use -Xc in the compile options for acc, as 
> the number of warning messages due to this is very large!!



#include "../../config/crossfire.tmpl"

/*** files ***/
SRCS =  test.c          CnvUtil.c       CnvBrowse.c     CnvNotify.c \
        CnvMenu.c       CnvFiles.c      CnvPath.c       CnvPrompt.c 

OBJS =  CnvUtil.o       CnvBrowse.o     CnvNotify.o     CnvMenu.o \
        CnvFiles.o      CnvPath.o       CnvPrompt.o     

HDRS =  Cnv.h           config.h

FILES = excloff.xbm     exclon.xbm      flagoff.xbm     flagon.xbm \
        notify.xbm      prompt.xbm      submenu.xbm     Imakefile \

/*** options ***/
INCLUDES = -I. -I../include -I../../include



/* these are just for testing */
NormalProgramTarget(test ,test.o $(OBJS) $(DLSYM),libCnv.a,XawClientLibs,/**/)
NormalProgramTarget(menu2 ,menu2.o $(OBJS),libCnv.a,XawClientLibs,/**/)

InsertArchive($(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(FILES),crossedit/Cnv)

/*** end of Imakefile ***/


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