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Re: Problem with 0.91.4 version?


   Peter, I know that you added lots of new spells and you probably has
more knowledge on how spells work than anyone.  I have the following
spell ideas that you might be interested in implementing:

1. Gust of wind - will generate a cone or column of winds that when hit
   will pushes the target in a certain direction.  If there is something
   in the way, the target gets some damages.
2. Flame strike - will create a column of flame (1 or 4 squares) that will
   last a certain duration causing fire damage to anything near it.
3. Fumble - will cause the target to unwielded/dropped objects; for NPC's
   this will required a turn for them to re-equipped.
4. Summon other - will cause the target to be teleported next you the caster.
5. Xray - allow the caster to see one square behind the wall; similar to
   helm of xray but is time limited.

   It will be great if items can be invisible so that we can have spells
such as dispel/detect invisibility.  Also I can't wait til the lighting
capability appears so that we can have spells such as darkness and light.
Oh, your demon tower area is super.  Any future plan for new areas?


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
__/  ______/ __/ __/ __/  __/       Richardson, TX 75083-3871
"It's a kind of magic" -Highlander  Phone: 6-444-4575/214-684-4575
Internet:               Fax:   6-444-3716/214-684-3716