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re:SKILLS Patch

In message "SKILLS Patch", '' writes:


>	Character starting skills -
>         The starting skills distribution is given in below. I have
>         tried to balance the power of all characters starting possessions
>         (eg equipment, skills and spells) to make things fair. All in all
>         though, "skilled" characters may still need some fine tuning.
>	 Since the creation of the "smithery" and "karate" skills, I have
>	 been thinking about the creation of the 'dwarf' and 'monk' 
>	 character classes. 

   Dwarf and monk classes would be great.


>	       boxing	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
>			is based on the user's Str and level. For some 
>			creatures the boxing attack can "confuse" 
>			(ie the monster is "punched silly").  

   Do you cause more damage if you're wearing gaunlet?

>	     climbing*	While the skill is readied, the possesser will
>			move faster through "hilly" terrian (hills,
>			mountains, etc.)  

   I suggest renaming this skill to mountaineer.  There might be a skill
in the future call climbing used for climbing walls.

>	   find traps 	User can search (more effectively) for traps.
>			Not a 'passive' skill, it is applied in order
>			to gain the advantage in discovering traps.
>		 hide	User enjoys limited form of invisibility. If
>			they attack or move too much they become 
>			visible. Right now it is possbile to  
>			hidden while next to hostile monsters. Not
>			a reasonable feature!
   How about the user remain invisible as long as (s)he does not move
or say anything?

>	      jeweler	User can ident gems and rings that they hold.
>	      jumping	User can 'skip' over 1-2 spaces in a selected
>			direction. Distance depends on weight carried,
>			Str and Dex of the user. 
>	       karate	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
>                        is based on the user's Str and level. This attack 
>			is the fastest and (at higher levels) most deadly 
>			of the 3 "hand to hand" attacks available. 
>	     literacy	User can ident books and scrolls that they hold.
>			Since scrolls are currently always identified,
>			this is not the greatest of skills.

   Scroll are automatically identified now?  Eeekkk! 

>	  lockpicking	User may 'pick locks' (open doors). No equipment
>			is currently needed to to this. Eventually, I 
>			would like to make this only available through
>			possession of 'lock picks'.
>	      oratory  	User may 'recruit' followers. Recruitees must be
>			of lower level, and unaggressive to start. Use
>			of this skill may anger the audience. Also,
>			'special' monsters are immune to recruitment. 
>			Success depends on User Cha and level.
>	  sense curse	User may discover whether items that he holds
>			are 'cursed'. Controversial skill, may go away
>			in later versions.	

   Actually, this may be the most important skill that beginner may want.

>          sense magic   User may discover whether items that he holds   
>                        are 'magic'. Controversial skill, may go away 
>                        in later versions.
>	      singing	User may pacify hostile monsters with this skill. 
>			Certain kinds of monsters are immune. Success
>			depends on user level and Cha.
>	     smithery	User may ident arms and armour that they hold.
>			Right now this is a powerfull skill, and I 
>			am considering breaking it up into 2 ident skills
>			in the future.
>	     stealing	User can take items from the inventory of other
>			monsters. 

   How about other players?

>	thaumagragist	User can ident rods, wands and horns that they
>			are holding. 
>   	     woodsman*  While the skill is readied, the possesser will
>                        move faster through "wooded" terrian (forest,
>                        grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.)	
>	    wrestling	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
>                        is based on the user's Str and level. For some
>                        creatures the boxing attack can "paralyze"
>                        (ie the monster is "held down"). 

   Shouldn't it be 'wrestling attack can "paralyze"...'?


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
__/  ______/ __/ __/ __/  __/       Richardson, TX 75083-3871
"It's a kind of magic" -Highlander  Phone: 214-684-4575   Fax: 214-684-3716
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