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re:SPOILER (was Re: wizard fighting tips?)

In message "SPOILER (was Re: wizard fighting tips?)", 
'' writes:

>----- Begin Included Message -----
>Peter writes:
>> Wizards are completely immune to magic.  Nasty.  Comets work
>> on them because comets don't hit with magic. [...]  I've found
>> it useful to hide behind walls, build directors, and comet them
>> to death.
>Bomb 'em.  Actually, bomb everything.  In fact, once you learn the
>create bomb spell virtually any monster is pretty trivial.  Just drop
>as many bombs as you can, run away, and wait for the carnage to
>ensue.   If you make it far enough in the Tower of Demonology you
>actually get a pretty potent heavy rod of create bomb, so you 
>don't neccessarily even need to know the spell or have that many
>spell points.

   Yep.  Bombs are much too powerful.  It's a technology that doesn't
go well with D&D even though it's TnT  :)


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
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