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Re: many thoughts.

On Thu, 22 Jun 1995 18:03:51 -0700, Mark Wedel <> wrote:
> What a character wears will determine much more what he looks like than
> his class.  A cleric wearing chain and a fighter wearing chain will look
> much closer than a fighter wearing chain and a fighter wearing nothing
> at all.
Good point!  But this mean that the pixmap should change each time you
change your equipment.  And what about a backpack that grows as you add
more objects to your inventory?  Only joking...

>  One solution would just be to let the player choose which image they 
> want to represent their character.  Players could choose images that don't
> look like their characters, but that will happen if they are assigned
> via race or class in anycase.
If they choose an image among a limited set available on the server, then
it's OK.  But we should not allow players to create their own image.  There
are (at least) three reasons against that:
- there would be too many pixmaps and some machines that are low on
  memory could suffer from that.
- there is no way to upload bitmaps/pixmaps  to the server.
- last year, when we were discussing the client/server protocol, I said that
  it would be nice if some clients could ignore the pixmaps from the server
  and replace them by their own versions (larger, maybe).  Although I doubt
  that such a feature will ever be implemented, the player-specific pixmaps
  would make it impossible.

>  What would probably be the best way to change the experience system would
> be have an add_player_experience function.  What would be passed would
> be what was killed (monster, trap, door, etc.), who killed it (player), 
> and what killed it (sword, fireball, lockpick, etc..)
Good idea.  The code would be cleaner.  Note: I think it should also be
possible to add experience when a player completes a quest, even if he
doesn't have to fight any monster to complete that quest.  Or maybe there
should be an archetype for that: an invisible object which is killed when
the player walks over it and gives some exp points.  That you be compatible
with add_player_experience.
