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Re: CF: Bug on my compilation of the thing

>> I tried compiling with the server code turned on. My workaround was to run
>> strictly single-user mode (SERVER not defined). I was running 0.92.4 at the
>> time. (wasn't on the list then, or I might have said something..)
>Hmmm, how do I run a server in that case? Do I need to compile it twice, once
>with server defined and once without server defined, and then use the first one
>for my server and the second one for my client? Messy...

My guess would be that to run the server on SGIs, you'll have to debug it :-)
I may (or may not) be able to contribute to the effort eventually, but
definitely not until after I come back from SIGGRAPH in 1.5 weeks. I will try
to see if the behavior with SERVER defined is the same in 0.92.5 as it was
in .4, but that's about all I'll have time for.

>> At least 0.92.5 compiles right out of the box on SGIs now! :-) (with SGI cc
>> on IRIX 5.3). 0.92.4 needed some fiddling before it would build properly..
>My Irix is 6.2 with the latest and greatest patches...

I kinda figured you would be running the L&G... :-) I put the OS version in
more for the crossfire developers, in case they wanted to add SGI/IRIX to
their list of known-to-have-compiled-successfully-at-least-once systems.

John R. Murray
FSU Aikido Club/North Florida Aikikai       home of Miko's Aikido MPEGs and the
Tallahassee, FL                            WWW Aikido online calendar of events

Politics, n: from "poly ticks", short for "many small bloodsucking insects"
    -- Henry Spencer