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Re: CF: Comments on documentation, 2 magic system

On Wed, 10 Jul 96, "Brian Thomas" <> wrote:
>                 c. Perhaps it would be valuable to split the 
>                    'spells' section into 2 tables, one for 
>                    'cleric' magic, the other for 'wizard'
>                    magic.       

Speaking about that...  I modified the "cast" command on my server so
that when you use it without arguments, it lists the spells and
prayers in two sections, like this:

  > cast
  Cast what spell?  Choose one of:

  [sp]  spell name
  [01] magic bullet
  [06] small lightning
  [gr]  prayer name
  [04] holy word

I prefer to see the list of spells and prayers like this, because I
can immediately know which spells will use mana points and which ones
will use grace points.

Also, I use the same technique as the one used for shop listings in
order to pause after each page when listing the spells and prayers.
This is very useful for me, because I have one character which knows
135 spells and it is not possible to have all of them on the screen at
the same time (with the "old" pseudo-client which lacks a scrollbar).

Should this feature be integrated in the next release of Crossfire?
Should it be configurable?  If most people on this list are interested
in this, then I will post my patch here or send it to Mark Wedel for
inclusion in the next release (by the way, I'd like to know what is
the best way to send small or medium patches - post them here or wait
until the next release?).


P.S.: While I'm at it...  I have already asked that, but are there any
      plans to drop the current pseudo-client code and only support the
      "real" client/server code, so that everyone has to use it and we
      can assume that it's there when developping new code?