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CF: Ideas for the future

	There was talk a while back about making a new game (or rewriting
crossfire in C++, java, etc.).  Has anyone persued this endeavor?  I have
been thinking a lot lately about making a game like crossfire that doesn't
_require_ X as it's GUI (one Xclient with lots of trusting Xservers), has
a seperate server and client, requires lower bandwidth (can play over PPP
at 14.4kbps), works on PCs (DOS, Win), MACs, Unix/X, but retains some of
the quick fighting flavor of crossfire (ala Gauntlet, etc.).  Also, I'd
really like it to be more of a D&D type games, with
quests/missions/adventures.  Also, I'd like it to play like a role-playing
games, but with tournaments (timed sessions of exploration and solving a
particular quest).  Players should be able to enter and exit the world and
be able to pick up (kinda) where they left off.  I'd like the server to
maintain all of the game state, and have the game world evolve as people
play.  There could be new quest opportunities generated on the fly (maybe
even relating to particular players, i.e., NPC Lord Dimwitt wants Player
Eddie assasinated and is willing to pay handsomely...).  The world could
change as well... new towns pop up, old dead dungeons go away, new NPCs
are generated, new unexplored territory is generated.
	I like the design of crossfire as a role-playing game.  A lot of
thought has gone into the whole architecture of the objects in the game.
	Please, if you know of any projects regarding these kind of games,
or are designing a new game similar to the above description, let me know.


p.s.  Great work on Crossfire to all those responsible!
| Ed Phillips <> University of Delaware (302) 831-6082   |
| Associate Systems Programmer, Network and Systems Services              |
| Public key footprint: 1C D4 AC C2 A3 D5 97 AA  DB 3B D8 85 88 E7 40 B8  |
| finger -l  for PGP public key              |