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Re: World Maps and "meta-truths" (Was: Re: CF: some examples)

> Mark writes:
> On May 10,  3:59am, Brian Thomas wrote:
> > Subject: World Maps and "meta-truths"  (Was: Re: CF: some examples)
> > 
> > 
> > 	We could design "meta-truth" files that reside in each
> > 	of the maps directories. Each time a map in the given directory
>  A better method would be determined based on how the program internally
> handles this information.  If we add elements to the map structure, then
> it probably makes sense to put that in the header of the map.  The idea
> of using seperate files leaves a bad taste in my mouth  - probably because
> the proposed method above would mean that if you wanted maps with different
> environment, you would be forced to go into different directories.

	Well, Im not too set on a particular method. But I do think
	that specification in the individual maps will be a bit of 
	a chore. Allowing general instructions to a set of maps allows
	for a powerfull and easy way to design sets of maps. Having
	a single file at the top of the map directory (or in lib) that
	allows specification of enviroment for various directories 
	sounds reasonable to me. 

>  However, I see this as quite a ways off - while it is certainly something
> to keep in mind now, I certainly don't see a point to going out of our way
> to write code that might support it, since the implementation details just
> are not there.

	Well, one thing I think is not far off (and reasonable) is to
	allow the mapmaker to preset the magic use for the map. I've
	always hated having to cover every moveable square with a 
	no_magic arch when instead we could just specify map->no_magic=0
	in the map header (or the meta-truth enviroment file in lib).

	Specific things: 

		- allow map->magic to toggle between all magic available,
		  no wiz magic, no priest magic and no magic at all.

		- allow us to specify particular gods that have no
		  ability to use this map.

		- allow us to set path_attuned, path_denied, path_repelled
		  to modify magic use on this map.

	It may be that an implementation of these can be distilled 
	down. Ex, if we have path_denied for the map, then NO god that
	has that path attuned will be able to grant magic use on the map.

> > 
> > 	Eventually, Id like to see day/night/weather cycles be part
> > 	of the meta-truth files as well as other stuff. Comments?
>  time would more likely just be timezones (ie, we are a long way west, thus
> the sun is still up.)  The problem I see right now is that unless the world
> is really large, the time scale might not make sense.  As and example, less
> say game time is 24 times faster than real time (1 hour of play = 1 day
> in the game.)
> [complex argument sniped]

	Yeep! Timezones go way beyond what I was thinking of. Basically,
	I would treat the CF world at 'flat' to start (*heh, who says
	that a fanasty world need be round??*), so that all maps would
	experience the same night/day cycle phase.

	The value of night/day/season cycles would be to allow us to 
	influence the use of magic and perhaps other things (light
	on a map).

	In a more 'global' application, we could specify latitude 
	and longitude for a map (or a whole set of maps using the 
	map enviroment file in lib). This would allow for use to 
	create relative map times. Again, we run into complications
	were a player crosses a map at midnight to daylight. Id
	try to stay away from this complication to start; proper
	implimentation would require rigorours editing of lat/long
	for all map files.


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