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CF: maps for priest advancement

	Its been pointed out by a number of people that the clerical magic 
	(multigod) system could be greatly improved if requisite temple maps
	were made to help disseminate information and support the advancement
	of the priest within the cult. 

	I've been talking with David S. about developing some maps towards this end.
	What follows are my gathered thoughts about the general nature of what
	we should attempt to achieve within the design of these maps.

 	Hopefully, future introduction of gods within game will bear the requirement
	that the designer *also* supply the requisite maps to support the cult.
	Comments on these ideas are strongly sought. 


	The maps I would like to design for Multigod system are largely temple
	maps for each cult. In general, all temple maps should have similar
	requirements (although a different surface look/feel) 

	Some ideas (requirements) for temples:

 	- Temples should be a source of information. This includes:
	   1) general information concerning the nature of the cult
	      which is available to anyone entering the temple.
	   2) temple specific (local) information (which may be limited
	      to worshipers of the cult only).

	- Source of otherwise unobtainable skills/spells/items which allow for 
	  the advancement of the cult follower (priest). Ideally, these 
	  items (see below for ideas) are obtained though quests.

	- Source of aid to worshipers. Ideally, aid will be in a form
	  consistent with the cult. Aid could include things such as:
	    - magic cast at favorable rates (healing, identification, etc)
	    - cheaper items to buy
	    - favorable exchange rates
	    - free lodging, free food, storage of player equipment 
	    - favorable rates on mercenaries
	    - a library 

	Some ideas on Priest advancement though quests:

	Since the multi-god system only functions under the skills option
	(does anyone play without skills these days??) it is natural to 
	peg the advancement of the priest to the gain of skills and some
	spells. Here's an outline for what all cults should generally
	provide to insure that the 'basic' priest advancement occurs (though 
	some form of 'quests' whose nature depends on the cult of course).

	In order of difficulty:

 	Quest Level	     Skill/spell/item gained from quest 
	---------	     ----------------------------------
         0th (joins cult)    obtains holy symbol  
	 1st 	      	     holy word/cause lgt wnds spell (as appropriate) 
	 3rd - 4th 	     praying skill, summon cult monst/cause med wnds spell 
	 5th - 6th	     consecrate, holy servant spell/cause hvy wnds spell 
	 7th - 8th	     sacrifice skill, cause crit wnds (IF appropriate) 
	 9th - 10th	     sanctify/holy orb/cause multiple wnds spell 
	 12th - 15th	     holy wrath/summon avatar or other powerful cult spell.
	 15th - 20th	     powerful cult artifact.

	Other cult specific skills/spells could/should be given out too. I haven't
	bothered to list anyones just so that the above list would flesh out
	the general power of the stuff we are handing out.

	Well then, counting up the quests in the above list shows that we have to 
	design roughly 8 or so 'quests' (ugh!!) per GOD. That's a LOT of work. 
	But note that we don't have to make all level objectives a long drawn out quest. 
	Cheap/reasonable things for quests include just finding the main temple 
	(to join the cult) and making some 'find this place, get this item' quest 
	(make slight modifications to existing dungeon maps to insert the special 
	cult 'goal' items; in fact I think this is a great way to improve a lot of 
	the current 'hack n' slash' maps that abound in CF now).

	Yes, most of the spells I listed are commonly available now. I would
	change this so that most of these spells (listed above) are ONLY available 
	by questing from the priests temple. This change in the code wouldn't 
	be made however until all priest maps had been playtested.

	It would also be nice, if in the future we could make all cult associated
	spells/skills be lost if the player changes gods. But thats a long
	range type of thing that we will have to do with out for now.



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