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Re: CF: Artefakts

> From  Wed Oct  1 20:27:01 1997
> Date: Wed, 1 Oct 97 16:16:35 PDT
> From:  (Scott Wedel)
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> To: , 
> Subject: Re: CF: Artefakts
> Cc: 
> Sender: 
> Precedence: bulk
> X-Lines: 45
> >>I suggest that a player's inventory be divided into two subtypes of
> >>'prepared' and 'stored'.  A player may have only a few prepared items of
> >>each type (4 weapons, 5 rings, couple of scrolls, 1 of armour types (boots,
> >>armour, helm, gloves, etc).  The advantage of a prepared item is that
> >>it can be switched instantly.  All other items would be considered stored
> >>which means it takes several movement turns to access them.
> >
> >Ugh!
> >Yuck!
> >Yet another place where playability should TAKE PRECEDENCE over
> >realism.
> Scott writes:
> I am advocating only a few movement delays which would normally be about
> one or two seconds in handling 'stored' items.  which is a short delay and
> would normally be barely noticeable except in battle when you trying to
> do something every move.  I am not proposing 'realistic' delays of minutes
> to change armour.  I am proposing only slight delays to discourage (not
> prohibit) such activity during the middle of battle.

	Well, you know we can keep the simple inventory system and
	slow down the changing of equipment by just making a "equip"
	time for stuff.

	Basically, we insert code (applicable to all objects, not 
	just armour) that if it sees a "speed" value (or some such
	feild) you will be "frozen" while you equip/unequip the 
	object. Seems "fair" and "simple" (and generalized to all
	objects!) to me.


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