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Re: CF: prev on map update (fwd)

>On Oct 2,  2:51am, Philip Brown wrote:
>> Subject: Re: CF: prev on map update (fwd)
>> >>>>[From Mark Wedel]
>> But for "constant animations", as you say, I certianly think it would
>> be a big win to define a "face", as actualy multiple, ie animated,
>> pixmaps.

> The 'problem' right now is that both direct server display code and new
>client/server code determines what to draw/send based on the faces in that
>space.  That is, we start the game, and send all the visible stuff.  We also
>store what each space looks like.  Then each tick or move, we compare what the
>space looked like last tick and now, and send the changes.
> I guess we could extend the logic some to store some more information about
>the faces than just the number (ie, if it is animiated or something.)  I think
>the difficulty is that if the face change but we have it recorded that the old
>face is animated, we need to have some way to know that the new face is part of
>the animation sequence and not a new object.
> It would not be hard to turn off all animations in the server - however,
>turning it off for selected players gets more complicated.  I will have to look
>at the code and see how hard it might be to disable animations on a per player
>(direct X or client) basis.

The server code would probably have to change to change how it stores faces
in the visible space from just the facename which changes each animation to
a pointer to an animation structure (containing a list of animated faces,
current face and animation rate).  Which would let server determine that
it still has same animation structure for this square and know it didn't
have to update client.  It would have to be done in a way so that changing
animation rate is considered a change.

Or the server code could be changed to make animation changes to both
new and old map so compares to find differences do not detect changes
due to animation.  And power crystal case could be crudely handled by
periodically (say every 10 seconds) resending all animation info.


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