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CF: various stuff

There are a few things I've been wondering:

We've talked about how protections and vulnerabilities should be
handled, but how are they currently handled?  Are multiple protections
against the same thing any advantage?  What about being both protected
and vulnerable to the same thing?  (I once saw a ring that was both
protected and vulnerable to both fire and cold; rather amusing.)

What is a good way to earn mental experience?  I use the various
skills to identify everything I run into, but it seems to take forever
to gain any significant experience (i.e., much past one million).
That's not enough to read many of the books I find in the stores.  (I
hear that there's a sleezy hack with using the party mode, but I would
rather not do that; besides, I haven't had any luck getting party mode
to allow me to share experience.)

The 'clearinfo' command seems to be broken in scroll mode.

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