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Re: CF: Changes?

Mark Wedel wrote:
>Probably easier to just have a perl script that goes through and cleans things
>up.  However, it doesn't look like last play date is stored in teh high score
>field, so there is no easy way to purge out old scores.  Probably wouldn't be
>too hard to just add a field in the high score field which lists last time
>entry was updated.

Perhaps.  You could use the last-modified timestamp on the character
file to decide if the character should be considered for inclusion.
Ideally, though, I would rather have that information stored somewhere
apart from the filesystem.  I can understand not wanting to mess with
file formats, though.  Maybe add that field in somewhere the next time
the file is being changed anyway.  Also, there's the question of
whether the date best belongs in the character file or the highscore
file.  I can see this getting way too messy if it's not done
carefully.  Maybe a perl script that looks at timestamps would be the
best way to keep it clean.

As to excluding admin or dm characters, it would be better to have a
file listing characters for exclusion, as they may still get used

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