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Re: CF: Changes?

In article <>, you wrote:
> If you look at teh current dm_file, there are three fields that it can operate
> name, password, or host.

Then there's a bug, doing this will get you DM:

telnet localhost 13326
name dm_char_name
add :0.0
<enters player name&password>

> It would probably be pretty easy to add a fourth field to the file, which is
>access permissions.  I think the access permissions where either going to be a
>list of commands, but it might be easier to have different access levels or

It's not that hard, just doing something like:


And then can_do_dmcmd("nodm")==1, can_do_dmcmd("patch")==0.

> Note that any expanded support for custom dm permissions will require a bit of
>change in the command processing area - when the player becomes a dm, you then
>need to store the dm profile someplace in the player structure.

When player becomes dm, you don't need to store any info on the player
file. If you do, the admin can't be sure that the user can't dm anymore
after he takes the user's dm entry off the file.
The save should just work normally, and strip the FLAG_IS_WIZARD bit of
course :)
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