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CF: The dm_file

The dm_file is currently of format:


The name is the name on the remote host, NOT the character name!
If nobody objects I will change this to be the character name and won't
retain the username in my patches as it's insecure. If somebody needs this
I'll add a new field, then.

My patch set currently has these features, and I'll put it on FTP site
when it actually works:

* wizard objects won't disappear in puff of smoke, they just can't be
  taken by non-wizard players
* removed setting of FLAG_WAS_WIZ by admin actions
* nodm unsets FLAG_WAS_WIZ, so wizard players can enter hiscore lists if
  they do nodm :) They can also save after doing nodm.
* you can't sell WAS_WIZ items to shops
* nodm clears cheat flags on all carried objects

There are lots of things to add, but I've had multiple exams in this week
so I didn't have the time.

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