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Re: CF: Priest cannot use weapons

	Hi Peter,

	Hmm. What god are you worshiping? If its Gaea, this is
	the intended (severe, I admit) handicap. If NO priest can
	use weapons, this is a major problem.

	I admit that few players will want to worship Gaea in the
	longer term (monks are really only player character "race"
	that I can think of). This is the forseen outcome; One day
	we can balance the gods better. Im not sure how to go about
	doing that now, in a quick and easy manner, since the playability
	of the gods (religions) will (one day, *sigh*) be also linked
	to the maps of (temples, quests) that are (in slow) development
	for them.


----- Begin Included Message -----

>From  Mon Sep 29 00:43:43 1997
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 21:21:32 -0700
From: Peter Mardahl <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: CF: Priest cannot use weapons
Precedence: bulk
X-Lines: 11

In version 93.5 priests cannot use weapons.
This is one hell of a handicap, and a priest is
inadequately compensated for this.

I think the next version should correct this
by re-allowing priests to use weapons, or compensating
them otherwise.

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