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Re: CF: client woes! and mroe

Mikael Sandstr|m () wrote:

> > I wonder what are the platforms and operating systems cfclient has
> Will it work under MacOS and windoze ?, it should be possible now when the
> X is gone, but how big changes are needed ?

The server should run without problems. The _client_ is using X, so it
needs to be ported first. I have never used M$-Windoze or MacRubbish,
so I have no idea whether a port would be reasonable at all (as
oppsosed to a complete rewrite).

Right now I can see just two problems with the server:
a) filename handling needs to be #ifdef-ed
b) some maps assume case-sensitive filenames
However, who knows what Unix-dependencies lurk inside...


Christian Stieber
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