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Re: CF: Newbie hints - skills - maping

On Dec 23,  1:02pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
> Speaking of `no spell'  I see it used in places like raffles
> presumably to prevent some sort of `fence' jumping.  What spell
> is it protecting against. I like to know for my map notes.

 in most cases, it is used against dimension door.  There can certainly be
other cases (make combat tougher so you can't cast spells), but dimension door
is the one that people want to block.

 AS a side note, if you enter a count before using dimension door, you will go
exactly that number of spaces (ie, 5 fire->east will move you exactly 5 spaces

> Also in the same place is ``angry floor'' What in the world is that!

 angry floor is to make the monsters on top agressive.  I believe the main use
is you can have a friend monster on top of an angry floor.  When player pulls a
lever or something, the angry floor is activated and the monster then becomes


-- Mark Wedel

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