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Re: CF: Sex & Crossfire

"Mark Wedel" on  wrote...
|  Yeah - new classes are just a matter of making an archetype and
|  treasure file for them if you need it different.
|  The current set of professions could probably be parred down quite a
|  bit, as there is quite a lot of similarity between the current
|  classes.
|  One other thought I had for changing of character creation is for
|  many classes, give some amount of gold instead of preset equipment.
|  IF someone plays a barbarian, how long do they really keep that
|  leather armor?  Why not give the player money and let them choose
|  what to buy?
|  This doesn't work for all classes - spell casters probably still need
|  to have spellbooks given to them, and other special classes may be
|  have similar special items.
I would be against this idea. Sure give them money, 
Tourist class anyone? But a new person in the game would have no idea
he should go get stuff and what he should get. More than likely spend
money of some u-beut armour and have nothing left for a weapon!
Better to give then some minimal stuff to play with straight up.

|  Or optionally, write a simple perl script that just goes through the player
| files (or even a sed command) and substitutes the 'arch viking' for whatever
| the closest still existing class is.
Does the `arch' have to be spefically a player class?
Why not just a generic `player' arch but with different images
for race and classes. That could simplify a lot of things!

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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     A Kite is at my fingertips, 
     the wind is in my hair,                   Poem ``WindWords'' by
     on wing the sound of wind it rips,          David Bartholomew
     oh, nothing can compare.
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