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Re: CF: cult monsters and difficulty?

> Christian writes:
> So, everybody converted to Ruggilli, went to a large room with an
> altar and sufficient difficulty (the 'who command on my server outputs
> the difficulty, too), or even to a large room with difficulty 20 and
> no altar (we don't know any difficulty 20 maps with altars), and
> started casting cult monsters, killing them, casting some, killing
> them... you get the idea.

	Argh. This shouldnt be. The dragon needs to get the some of
	the objects from its treasures file (aka "dragon breath") but
	not the treasure objects (aka the abusive situation above). 
	But that is a bit tricky to code (for reasons I wont detail here).
	Perhaps its better to just strip all summoned monsters of 
	items. This means your summoned dragon wont breathe fire. 
	If I can get time, Ill try to patch this. Mark: are you putting
	out a new release soon? Ill wait for the next release if so.

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