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Re: CF: maps?

On a related topic, I have an idea for a quest, but I don't have the
time to make the maps; maybe someone will be inspired by my idea...

I've noticed that the helmet of X-Ray vision is nice when you have
light, but a helmet of dark vision works better in some levels of
darkness.  This gave me the idea of the following artifact:

Helmet of Vision (dark vision)(x-ray vision)(wis+3)

[I'm thinking of wisdom as a spiritual vision sort of thing, and
encouraging priest play is probably a good idea these days.]

Anyway, that helmet would be the object of a quest.  Solving the
quest would involve going through dark places, as well as fighting
invisible monsters (possibly in an anti-magic zone, to make it a
challenge, even for those with see-invisible scrolls).  There might
even be something that requires x-ray vision to figure out a puzzle.

I thought about adding (see invisible) as an attribute of the helmet,
but I'm not sure if the code is set up for this, and it could throw
things out of balance.

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