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CF: experience point system

I was wondering about the experience point progression table.  At low
levels it simple doubles (having a slgith kink at 64k to 125k).  but after
about 14th level is ceaces to simple continue doubling,b ut get a bit
quicker at a time when PC can kill some sizeable beasts (and get huge xp
for it).

I was wondering what the rational was behind the current system.  A system
that continued to double seems to have several advantages over the current
system imho:

1) PC progression is slower, allowing more time at medium levels (teens).

2) Related to 1), it makes characters of awsome power a lot harder to come

3) It stops the annoying featuee of characters in level range 25-35
jumping levels (which i have seen happen).

I think the game would have been served better if a simple doubling system
for progression had been used throughout.  As it is, such a system could
be implemented but existing characters would have problems.

As a related note, Mark himself noted that the game was meant for
characters to go up to about 30th level and then stop.  This would be
about right if a simple doubling xp system had been used instead of the
current system.

I am considering doing a quick patch to fix the 'problem'.  Perhaps it
could be included as a compile time option.

--Robert Brockway B.Sc.  Email: 
			 Founder of HUMBUG (