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Re: CF: Alternate proposal: MARK the power crystals

I think we essentially agree.  My intent is to prevent a player
from repeating the same quest to get multiples of an item, in
particular Glowing Crystals from the same map.

As for keycode, I think it would be better if instead of particular
item identifier that it was done via a Glowing Crystal type.  So two
identical or similar (ie an improved model) would not work together,
but another type of GC could still work together.

And I suggest implementing keygroup as a general feature.  If an
item has a nonzero keygroup then check inventory for items with
the same keygroup.  That way it would take minimal effort to expand
the feature for other items.

As for a mana recharge station, I think something like putting a
pile of money on one square that then activates a mana recharge
square which doubles or triples the player's mana recharge rate.
For each tick standing on the square some amount of money is
deducted.  Thus, a MU can recharge cheaply and quickly while a
fighter would take longer and cost more.

A proposed different type of glowing Crystal:  A healing crystal
which casts a healing spell whenever the owner's hit points drop
below 25% of max.  Would be a great item for some map creator to
put on the big evil liche or such at the end of some quest.  The
crsytal would thus be found out of energy on the dead body and it
would make the fight a whole lot harder.  And the item would be
a neat gameplay item as then you don't worry about dying because
of buffering delays making your healing spells go off too late.

I think these sort of changes would actually improve the usefulness
of a glowing crystal while removing a game abuse situation.  I
would not be surprised if Peter modified some map to have a more
powerful Glowing Crystal in one of his more difficult maps since
these changes would make such an item relevant as compared to
current situation where it'd be the same as having a few of the
current GC which isn't all that difficult to get.

> From: Peter Mardahl <>
> To: 
> Subject: CF: Alternate proposal:  MARK the power crystals
> Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:10:54 -0700
> X-Mts: smtp
> How about this:  put in a keycode to power crystals, so that
> if a player gets the same power crystal again from the same place,
> he can only use one.  The power crystal would search the inventory
> to enforce this.
> The player would then only have as many power crystals as there are
> maps with crystals of different "flavors".
> In regular play, I've never used more than 3-4 crystals, and I've
> always had to invest a lot of time in recharging them.  To me,
> this seems to balance their power, especially considering that fighters
> can deal out damage indefinitely without this inconvenience.
> I offer to implement crystal marking as a compromise (and edit the
> maps with crystals) if the consensus is that some limit to power
> crystal despite the fact that fighters have unlimited damage dealing
> potential.
> PM
> -
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