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Re: CF: Experiments

> WHOA, I personally  think characters should be limited to the use of one
> crystal, but i don't think they should be penalized for carrying more than
> 1. They should be able to carry more than one if only to have the ability to
> take them to the store and sell them. maybe we could make it so that carring
> the second renamed it and made it unchargable so that they could carry it to
> the shop to sell but when carrying it it would be useless. As soon as the
> dropped it in the shop the name would revert since there wouldn't be 2
> anymore. If there were two in the store that could be a problem though so we
> would have to link the naame change to character inventory some how.

don't know how often you play fireborn or wraith.  both are rather
limited in strength.  result: can't carry much food, can't carry
many potions.  fireborn also can't use weapons or armour.  result:
perpetually casting spells and recharging.  eliminate the crystals
(w/o making exisiting ones hold a lot more juice) and you'll either
doom fireborn's or make the game enormously boring while magic users
(especially low-to-medium ones w/o much mana in the first place)
spend most of their time behind earth walls or outside dungeons
recharging themselves.

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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