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CF: Changes for compilation on NetBSD (1.3.3)

Small change to Makefile in random_maps.
The first two changes make server/crossfire compile on NetBSD 1.3.3
elsbernd@exot-112 [/home/elsbernd/src/crossfire-0.95.2] 
and possible other systems depending on gnu software for linking.

The last one is only cosmetic.
The functions in random_maps/style.h should be declared external.
second diff at the end.


Error, when compiling without those changes:

(cd ../random_maps; make  all)
/bin/rm -f random_map.a
ar clq random_map.a random_map.o room_gen_onion.o maze_gen.o reader.o style.o 
floor.o wall.o monster.o door.o decor.o exit.o treasure.o special.o
/bin/rm -f crossfire
gcc -o crossfire alchemy.o apply.o attack.o ban.o c_chat.o c_misc.o c_move.o 
c_new.o c_object.o c_party.o c_wiz.o commands.o daemon.o disease.o egoitem.o 
encounter.o ericserver.o hiscore.o gods.o init.o input.o login.o main.o 
monster.o move.o newitem.o newsocket.o pets.o player.o resurrection.o rune.o 
shop.o skills.o skill_util.o socket.o sockio.o sounds.o spell_effect.o 
spell_util.o swamp.o swap.o time.o ../common/libcross.a 
../random_maps/random_map.a -lm -lcrypt
floor.c:22: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
floor.c:26: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
wall.c:91: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
wall.c:95: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
monster.c:56: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
monster.c:66: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text 
door.c:14: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
door.c:16: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
door.c:26: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
decor.c:26: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
decor.c:45: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
exit.c:31: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
exit.c:39: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
exit.c:41: Undefined symbol `_find_style' referenced from text segment
exit.c:0: More undefined symbol _find_style refs follow
exit.c:55: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
exit.c:64: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text segment
treasure.c:157: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text 
treasure.c:176: Undefined symbol `_pick_random_object' referenced from text 
special.c:0: More undefined symbol _pick_random_object refs follow
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1


diff -c random_maps/ random_maps/
----------------------------------------------------------- snip
*** random_maps/        Sat Jan 30 09:30:32 1999
--- random_maps/     Tue Feb  2 16:55:15 1999
*** 32,38 ****
        room_gen_onion.c \
        maze_gen.c \
        reader.c \
-       style.c \
        floor.c \
        wall.c \
        monster.c \
--- 32,37 ----
*** 40,46 ****
        decor.c \
        exit.c \
        treasure.c \
!       special.c
  ALLFILES = $(SRCS) reader.l maze_gen.h random_map.h room_gen.h\
        style.h standalone.c
--- 39,46 ----
        decor.c \
        exit.c \
        treasure.c \
!       special.c \
!       style.c
  ALLFILES = $(SRCS) reader.l maze_gen.h random_map.h room_gen.h\
        style.h standalone.c
*** 78,84 ****
  random_map.a: $(OBJS)
        $(RM) -f $@
!       ar clq $@ $(OBJS)
--- 78,84 ----
  random_map.a: $(OBJS)
        $(RM) -f $@
!       $(AR) clq $@ $(OBJS)
------------------------------------------------------------ snip

diff -c random_maps/style.h.dist random_maps/style.h
*** random_maps/style.h.dist    Sat Jan 30 09:30:32 1999
--- random_maps/style.h Tue Feb  2 16:09:54 1999
*** 1,6 ****
  /*  routines for handling styles */
! mapstruct *find_style(char *dirname,char *stylename,int difficulty);
! object *pick_random_object(mapstruct *style);
--- 1,6 ----
  /*  routines for handling styles */
! extern mapstruct *find_style(char *dirname,char *stylename,int difficulty);
! extern object *pick_random_object(mapstruct *style);

"Sure, vi is user friendly.
 It's just particular about who it makes friends with." ;-) 
Klaus Elsbernd; System Administrator, BOFH        | 
Deutsches Forschungsz. für Künstliche Intelligenz | DFKI GmbH, Geb. 57/285
67657 Kaiserslautern; Germany                     | Tel: (+49) 0631/205-3486

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