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Re: CF: suggestion for Exp system (damage vs. kill)

[Peter Mardahl]

>   With the partial experience system, there would seem to be no need
>   for "party experience".  Everyone who participates would be getting
>   experience of some kind, and no-risk malingerers get nothing.

[Mark Wedel]

>   The only problem here would be someone that wants to basically
>   play a healer or person that casts protection spells - they are
>   certainly useful, but would not get any exp in that method.

Yes.  I think the party experience should be awarded to the skill
which was most recently _used_.  It would be best if there was a
timeout value.  So, every time a spell is cast, make a note of the
time and the skill used in the player object.  When a monster is
killed by a member of the party, for each player check if it is less
than a minute since he cast a spell, and award experience to the skill
if so.  Otherwise, put the experience in the generic pool.

>   On the other hand, how many people actually play characters like
>   that?

In MUDs (especially combat oriented MUDs like DikuMUDs), it is very
common to gather a conventional AD&D party (ie. magicians, healers,
and mountains of muscle).  I think it will be more common in Crossfire
when there are more players on a server.

Kjetil T.
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