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CF: Problems with new gods

        I found two problems with the new gods.  I am playing crossfire
0.95.2, with the (two) patches for Raffles by Nishita Seikoh.
        Firstly,  I am unable to become a devotee of Sorig, even if I play
a priest.  My Grace goes to full, though.
        Secondly, avataar of Gaea causes floating point exceptions.  This
has happened every time I tried it.

Here is an exerpt from gdb:

Object lacks animation.

Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x807f8ca in animate_object (op=0x8722748) at anim.c:150
150         max_state=NUM_ANIMATIONS(op)/ NUM_FACINGS(op);
(gdb) p op
$1 = (object *) 0x8722748
(gdb) p op->animation_id
$2 = 0
(gdb) p animations[0]
$4 = {name = 0x0, num_animations = 1 '\001', facings = 0 '\000', 
  faces = 0x8161ea0, num = 2}
from include/global.h
#define NUM_ANIMATIONS(ob) (animations[ob->animation_id].num_animations)
#define NUM_FACINGS(ob) (animations[ob->animation_id].facings)

Sorry I don't know enough about crossfire to suggest a solution.

R. Balasubramanian.
Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for 
others. -Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)
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