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Re: CF: GTk+ and Win32

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Well, yes. But you'll have to get an X server that works nicely with it.
All the win32 X servers I used don't like reporting Shift+<Arrow>

And it's a somewhat old binary... but you could just use the libraries in
the package (which are current 'nuff) and the latest client source,
recompile (Just Type Make) and let that be it. You'll also need a copy of
Cygwin ( I don't have a win32 box with which to update it

Anyhow, tell me where to UL the thing (the effing' admins have started
rotating our IPs every few days, so I can't give you somewhere to pull it

- ---

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Bob Tanner wrote:

> Quoting David Sundqvist ():
> > Well, I wrote the keycode handling in Xlib (actually, IIRC, the very first
> > versions of the GTK client did use more GTK keyhandling), because there
> > were some annoyances that made it hard to keep a reasonably close keyboard
> > behaviour with the Xlib client. It might be possible to use gdk calls tho.
> > 
> > > It still might work under
> > > cgywin though. Plus the socket code needs to be ported to
> > > win32.. But that is easy. Everything else should compile
> > > as is.
> > 
> > Well, there have been reports of the client working with Cygwin :).
> Anyone have a Win32 binary for download?
> Sorry to sound desperate, but this friday I am taking Crossfire to a
> roll-playing convention. An a Win32 client would be a big hit for all
> the users.
> In users past we have had great success, but when you mention Linux or
> X windows you get a lot of blank stares.
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