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Re: CF: Speed bug still around?

James Cameron () wrote:

> > The problem: if an item is thrown and kills the monster, the
> > items gets speed+.
> I thought it was following Innuit philosphy.  Weapons that travel gain
> power.  See Larry Niven's sequel to Dream Park, called 

Right now I consider it a bug (which is why I have a workaround installed
to prevent it from happening). The real problem seems obvious:

- you kill a monster: "Icho killed foo".
- your avatar kills a monster: "Icho killed foo with avatar of bar"
- you kill a monster with an arrow: "Icho killed foo with arrow +4"
- you kill a monster by throwing a chair: "Chair killed foo".

So, "chair" gets the exp, which is equivalent to speed+.

The workaround I have installed is a patch to the add_exp function:
it will only add exp to objects that are FLAG_ALIVE.

Of course there are other exp problems as well that need to be fixed:
if your are using an holy servant/avatar (and probably other golems,
but we don't usually use them), you will not get exp for kills by
other party members. This is probably because you have the "use magic
item" skill active. Experience is awarded correctly if you kill with
your avatar, so the game at least knows that the "magic item" skill is
really the wisdom skill.

Also, I don't understand the logic behind the experience reduction
when you are braced (you only get 1/5 of the normal exp). It really
helps when you are using the party system to gain exp fast (brace the
level 1 killer, and he'll need more monsters to advance), but other
than that I see no use for it. Common sense suggests that you'd get
more exp while braced (since it is more difficult to kill when you
don't move), but I don't like that idea at all.


Christian Stieber
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