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Re: CF: Movers & Things

John Cater on  wrote...
| Dear All,
| I am trying to make a map using movers, but I am not sure how they work
| exactly.
| I want the players to be transported along (if they don't do anything)
| but give them the option of stepping off. What fields do I need to set
| to what?
The crossfire.doc in the docs archive has an explaination of movers.
NOTE: one field has a paralise time which prevents the users moving
and also a speed field.

Also at this time thay ONLY work on `live' objects. which is how an
icecube is `moved' around in one of the maps in pupland.

Mark may change this requirment in a future version.
(Hmm hop on a moving boat?)

| Also how do I change the speed? 
| - Why are mover's speed fields negative?
I Asked mark that same question.

The `speed_left' field is a filed which you will see (or sould ONLY see
but crossedit creates these too) in game map saves. Speed (the absolute
vaule of) is added to the speed_left, untill it reaches 1 (or is it 0?)
at that point 1 unit is subtracted and the object is moved/activated
once. As such a low speed is a slow object.

If the speed is negitive the speed_left field is initiallied with a
random value so monsters to not all work together, by move seperately
and more randomly. The value of speed itself is just the same as if it
was positive.   Movers in the archs have a negative speed left. I don't
know if that should be the case.

Crossedit however saves maps with such randomised speed_left fields, and
as such a map that is just loaded and save that containes lots of
monsters could suddently have a very large `diff' patch :-(

Mark knows this and will fix it (I hope).

| Is there someplace I can look to find out this sort of thing?
See crossfire.doc  Mark is writing proper documentation with the
next major version change.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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