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Re: CF: Sliding animation instead of jerking animation

On 4 Jun 1999, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> Sound is a sore point in many X/Unix games, yes.  Rplay doesn't cut
> it, latency is too high, and the mixing capabilities are poor.  Does
> anyone know what's happening with Gnome and sound?

esd (the gnome sound daemon) works pretty well and has the advantage of
being able to multiplex sound too. It's also the only sound thingie I've
ever gotten to work well under HP-UX :). 

> P is player, # is wall and O is light source.  No squares are hidden.
> The client would think that the areas on each side of the wall is
> brighter than it should be.
> If we later want to implement directed lightsources, i.e. an electric
> torch, support would need to be added on both server and client and
> protocol.
> So I think it is best to use scheme #1.

Ah, hmm, this is a point too. #1 might be a lot easier if that is taken
into account...

Best regards,

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