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Re: CF: corpses and Animate Dead spells

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

> Hwei Sheng TEOH wrote:
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I've been experimenting with a new Animate Dead spell, that turns corpses into
> > zombies, and the like. Right now, I can get it to produce zombies from
> > anything on the ground called "corpse". But I found that it's extremely
> > difficult to generalize this spell, because of the way corpses are made.
> > Is it too much to change the
> > monster death code so that it attaches the monster's archetype to any body
> > parts that may be left? (This *does* sound too much... but I'll ask anyway. :-)
> > Or perhaps I should just be patient and wait for the new object structure in
> > 0.96.* ...?
>     "Too much" is a relative term.  How badly do you want to reanimate
> unusual creatures?  If all you need is an archetype, it shouldn't be
> difficult to alter the corpse generation code to set the other_arch pointer
> to the deceased monster's archetype.  That should work reasonably well as
> long as any special creatures who differ radically from their archetype are
> set to not leave corpses behind.

I suppose this will do for now... just one simple question: is it sufficient
to just point to the deceased monster's archetype (ie., are the archetypes
statically stored)? Or do I have to worry about dynamic allocation/
deallocation, etc.? I'm still rather new to the code, so I'm not sure exactly
how archetypes are stored.

>     If you want to get any more complicated than that, you'd probably be
> better off waiting for 0.96 so you can expand the corpse object type to
> include whatever else you need.

Hmmm, sounds like 0.96.* is promising a *lot*, judging from the past
discussions... I hope it can live up to its promises! :-)
Anyway, I'm just curious... what exactly is going to be in 0.96.* and are
people actually working on that already?


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